Thursday, August 27, 2020

Civic Duties of Teenagers

Quinn Bailey 3/4/2013 Civic Duties of Teenagers Introduction Civic obligation is the commitment to every one of us to leave our locale in a superior condition than we discovered it. Each individual in our nation has rights, and with those rights come duties. That is the thing that municipal obligation is, your privileges and duties that help add to society. Each and every day we play out these errands to help better our nation all in all. Young people have a colossal job in this circle, regardless of whether they in all honesty. The municipal obligations that young people perform are a vital piece of our general public, since they are the ones who grow up to be the following generation.Rights of a Teenager As an adolescent, you are qualified for your privileges. It’s simple to feel that youngsters have no control over anything, even their own lives. Be that as it may, young people have a greater number of rights than you may might suspect. A large number of an adolescent's pri vileges come from being able to settle on an insightful choice without parental assent. Each and every day, young people wherever are indiscriminately satisfying their urban obligations. At the point when a young person goes to class, they promise faithfulness to the banner. They are fundamentally making a vow to the United States of America expressing that they will satisfy their municipal duties.I like to think about this as ‘signing a contract’, and the greater part of them do it without knowing it. A portion of a teen’s rights are legal rights, which means they are allowed by law. One legitimate right is going to class. Kids reserve the privilege to a free state funded instruction starting at age six. Teenagers sixteen and more established reserve the option to choose if they need to go to class or not. In many states, a parent is required to sign concurring with this choice. Another legitimate right young people have is having the option to have an occupatio n. A few states permit you to start functioning as ahead of schedule as age fourteen.Another legitimate right that young people have is the option to have a sense of security. A teenager has the privilege to have a sense of security from all passionate and physical damage. On the off chance that an adolescent doesn't have a sense of security, they have the lawful option to be removed from the circumstance and put in a more secure one. Youngsters additionally have unwritten rights, or standards. These rights aren’t legitimate, which means they are a decision. One unwritten right is the option to drive. In many states, when you turn fourteen you can acquire an instructional license on the off chance that you breeze through a composed assessment. With this grant, you figure out how to drive with an authorized grown-up in the car.Then, when you turn sixteen you can get a drivers permit on the off chance that you breeze through a driving assessment. Obligations of a Teenager From the perspective of a young person, â€Å"Every age has a job they have to play in the public arena, and whether they suspect as much or not, youngsters have one too† (Simpson, Nealle). In the long run, the youngsters are going to transform into grown-ups. As you progress through your adolescent years, you acquire rights. This instructs you to use sound judgment, commonly without parental assent. â€Å"I don’t figure adolescents ought to be relied upon to accomplish more things,† said Nealle. They as of now have enough on their plates. † In America, youngsters are off. In numerous different pieces of the world, young people have barely any rights contrasted with Americans. â€Å"In a few nations, young ladies get hitched as right on time as fourteen†¦ †she expressed. â€Å"And the most noticeably awful part is that they don’t even get the opportunity to pick who they wed! † From the perspective of a moderately aged individual, â₠¬Å"Teenagers should share their weight of society duties† (Simpson, Jud). Each teenger ought to contribute with the goal that a fruitful society can exist. â€Å"When you’re a young person you kinda simply mix your way through life,† said Jud. It’s an incredible chance to commit errors, however it’s likewise basic to gain from those mix-ups. † Jud says that when he was a child, rules were considerably more severe, and they were taught more earnestly and all the more regularly. â€Å"Teens aren’t instructed to be as conscious now a days,† he said. From the perspective of a senior, â€Å"Teenagers fill in as better good examples to different adolescents than adults† (Bailey). â€Å"If kids see another child doing it, they think it’s cool, so they attempt it. Once in a while do youngsters tune in to grown-ups about what’s in and what isn’t,† clarifies Bailey. In America, a conventional percent of a dolescents regularly volunteer in their locale, yet Bailey has an alternate pinion. â€Å"I figure adolescents should chip in more often,† he said. The meaning of metro obligation is truly ‘the exercises that one does to serve their locale. ’ â€Å"Teens don’t frequently consider how large their job is in society†¦ † said Bailey. â€Å"When I was more youthful, I was in numerous types network ventures. † Bailey might want to see more teenagers joining to chip in, yet he is extremely solid about his feeling that it ought to be a decision. He figures grown-ups should control young people the correct way, and afterward let them make the decisions.Being an adolescent is a decent an ideal opportunity to figure out how to settle on capable choices. â€Å"It ought to be voluntary,† says Bailey. â€Å"You can lead a pony to water, yet you can’t make them drink. † My Civic Duties I get myself fortunate to live in the United S tates of America. Unfortunately, in numerous different nations youngsters like me are significantly less lucky and have less rights. What is much progressively tragic to me is that numerous youngsters underestimate the rights they acquire as U. S. residents. One model is that a few youngsters really accept up the open door to drop out of secondary school at whatever point they get the chance.It upsets me that they don’t proceed with their instruction and become a superior taught resident, particularly considering it is free. As an American, I share the privilege of free discourse with every other resident. I likewise maintain whatever authority is needed to drive. As old enough fourteen, I am lawfully ready to drive subsequent to experiencing legitimate guidance. I additionally reserve the option to claim creatures. I am exceptionally fortunate to have the option to state that I reserve the option to instruction. In some different nations, similar to Mexico, they don't have f ree government funded instruction. I think this is mostly what makes America so successful.In Alaska, when I turn fourteen I reserve the privilege to work. I accept this is a pleasant part of our general public in America, since it trains young people like me to figure out how to function with others and oversee costs. Thus, they can grow up to be dependable with cash. They will likewise grow up to be helpful when working with a gathering of individuals. As a resident, I additionally reserve the privilege to travel abroad with a U. S. Visa. Another correct I have is the option to practice my religion. I am ready to live unreservedly and communicate my religion without consequence.Where there are rights, there are duties. I feel like numerous young people my age imagine that they get these rights without having any duties. One model is tidying up after themselves. Numerous youngsters anticipate that things should be perfect for them, yet they never tidy up after themselves. I frequen tly observe youngsters littering, regardless of whether it be leaving plastic jugs out and about, or essentially simply leaving wads of gum under the table. One of my duties is to go to class. Not exclusively should I go to class, I should likewise finish the entirety of my work so as to learn and be an effective student.I have the obligation to remain educated about things like recent developments and governmental issues on nearby, state, national and overall levels. Being effective with my instruction will prompt my turning into a proficient and profitable resident. I have the obligation to figure out how to drive, and how to drive dependably. The administration guarantees me insurance, and thus I should comply with the laws and be a productive member of society regardless of where I am. When voyaging abroad, I have the obligation to be a decent minister for the United States. Despite the fact that I reserve the option to practice my religion, that doesn't mean I can slight differ ent people’s religions.I have the duty to regard every other religion, and thus others ought to likewise regard my strict perspectives. Taking everything into account, I accept that youngsters have a weighty job in our general public. It is of most extreme significance for us as young people, the people to come, to perceive that in spite of the fact that we are given a large group of entirely pleasant and luring rights, we should maintain the obligations that couple these rights. In the event that we neglect to meet our duties, the outcomes could be appalling, and we will make an unwanted, hazardous, unsteady and unfortunate society for us and people in the future to live in.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Recruitment Process Free Essays

string(24) from inside the ranks. Task On Human Resource Management Topics: Recruiting arrangement of a global organization (Unilever). Arranged for: Parul Akter Course Teacher Course Code: BBA 322 Prepared by the gathering: Nusrat Jahan Epsi| ID No. 08. We will compose a custom paper test on Enlistment Process or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now 01. 02. 076| Saif Muhammad Sazin| ID No. 08. 01. 02. 053| Farzana Rahman| ID No. 08. 01. 02. 090| Date of Submission: 08-01-11 School of Business Ahsanullah University of Science amp; Technology. Official Summary Unilever Limited is one of biggest worldwide business firm in the world.Over the most recent four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been continually bringing new and world-class items for the Bangladeshi individuals to expel the day by day drudgery of life. Over 90% of the country’s families utilize at least one of our items. It gives sixteen verities brands and attempt to alleviate a wide range of human interest by presenting with new creative items. Unilever Operations in Bangladesh give work to more than 10,000 individuals legitimately and through its committed providers, merchants and specialist co-ops. 9. 5% of UBL representatives are local people and they have equivalent number of Bangladeshis working abroad in other Unilever organizations as exiles. Unilever needs to pull in the best alumni to participate in their administration activities. This report edifies what sort of enlistment openings offered by Unilever Bangladesh Limited for college understudies and how the understudies can get to that chance. Unilever achieve their enlistment and determination process essentially into three criteria.One is submitted in appropriation office where utilizes is chosen on their physical gifted and enrollment and choice procedure is submitted by competency based meeting, contextual analysis meet, in view of contextual analysis materials, bunch conversation, again dependent on contextual investigation materials. It is orchestrated section level candidates. Furthermore, in more elevated level occupation entertainer is employed in â€Å"special people† work enrollment process. Unique individuals who are as of now perform inside the association or other relative association and advanced as a company’s center choice maker.Unilever accept the individuals who work with us are sure of their abilities, put stock in nothing not as much as star exhibitions and obviously are not reluctant to take a stab at accomplishing objectives. V Table of contents| | Page| | Foreword| II| Preface| III| Executive Summary| VI| 1: Introduction| | 1. 1: Background of the Study| 9| 1. 2: Rational of the Study| 9| 1. 3: Objective of the Study| 9| 1. 4: Scope of the Study| 10| 1. 5: Limitations of the Study| 11| 1. 6: Methods| 11| 1. 7: Report Preview| 12| 2: Organizational Part| | 2. 1: The corporate destinations of Unilever Limited| 14| . 2: Corporate goals of Unilever Bangladesh Limited| 18| 2. 3: Beliefs and estimations of Unilever Bangladesh Limited| 18| 2. 4: Major operational Department of Unilever Bangladesh Limited| 20| 2. 5: Unilever Bangladesh Limited at a glance| 27| 3: Literature Review| 31| | 4: Recruitment in Unilever Bangladesh Limited| | 4. 1: Recruiters qualification| 39| 4. 2: Methods of recruitment| 40| 4. 3: Nature of Application form| 42| 4. 4: Recruitment-Constrains and challenges| 43| 5: Analysis and Findings| | 5. 1: The kinds of enrollment in Unilever Bangladesh Limited| 48| 5. : The kinds of determination in Unilever Bangladesh Limited| 48| 5. 3: The recurrence of enlistment by Unilever Bangladesh Limited| 48| 5. 4: Responses from the understudies (Institution) with respect to MNC| 48| 6: Recommendation and Conclusion| | 6. 1: Recommendation| 46| 6. 2: Conclusion| 46| BIBLIOGRAPHY| 47| Appendix| 47| Appendix-A: Tables| | Appendix-B: Application Form| | 01# LITERATURE REVIEW 1. 1 Definition of enlistment Recruiting is the way toward discovering amp; pulling in competent candidates for work. The procedure starts when newcomers are looked for amp; closes when their applications are submitted.The result is a pool of candidates from which new representatives are chosen. As per Robins, â€Å"The perfect enlistment exertion will pull in a huge no of qualified candidates who will accept the position in the event that it is advertised. A decent enrolling project ought to draw in the certified amp; not pull in the inadequate. This double target will limit the expense of handling unfit candidates†. So selecting is a procedure of finding potential possibility for the genuine or foreseen authoritative opportunities. Or then again from another point of view, it is a connecting movement uniting those with occupations to fill and those looking for employments. 1. Components Influencing Recruiting Effort Although each association participates in selecting action some do as such to an a lot bigger degree than others. a. Size: Large association with tremendous labor will select significantly more than littler association. b. Work condition: In the network where the association is found will impact what amount enlisting happens. c. The viability of past selecting exertion: It shows itself in the organization’s recorded capacity to find and keep individuals who perform well. In the event that it is powerful number of enrollment procedure will be not many. d. Working condition, pay amp; advantage package:These impact requirement for turnover, in this manner the future enrolling of the associations. 31 e. Development of the association: Organizations that are not developing, or those that are really decrease, may discover little need to enlist. Then again, associations that are developing quickly will have more need of enlisting. 1. 3 Possible Constraints on Recruiting Process The pool of qualified candidates might not have incorporated the ‘best’ up-and-comer or the ‘best’ applicant might not have any desire to be utilized by the association. There are five potential limitations which limit the manager’s opportunity to select. a. The picture of the organization:If the picture apparent to be low, at that point the probability of pulling in countless candidates is diminished. At that point the picture of the association, there for, ought to be viewed as a potential requirement. b. Engaging quality of occupation: If the activity is ugly, selecting an enormous amp; qualified pool of candidates will be hard for e. g. position for p. s. since these employments customarily spoke to females amp; lady have a more extensive choice of openings for work. It has brought about a serious lack of secretarial occupations. c. Interior hierarchical approaches: Internal authoritative strategies, for example, â€Å"Promote from inside any place ossible† will offer need to people inside the association. Such a strategy will guarantee, that all situations aside from section level positions will be filled from inside the positions. You read Enlistment Process in class Papers In spite of the fact that this is promising once one is recruited, it might lessen the quantity of candidates. d. Association necessities: Union prerequisites additionally confine enlisting sources. Association figures out who can apply amp; who has the need in determination. It limits management’s opportunity to choose the best workers. e. Government’s Influence: The Governments impact in the enlisting procedure ought not be disregarded. A business can no longer search out favored people dependent on non-work related components 32, for example, physical appearance, sex or religion foundation. Government may force limitations on these issues. f. Selecting Cost: Recruiting by an association is costly now and then containing a quest for extensive stretch of time is beyond the realm of imagination in view of spending limitations. So selecting cost can be one of the significant compel of enrolling endeavors. 1. 4 Recruiting Sources Recruiting is bound to accomplish its goals if enlisting sources mirror the sort of the situation to be filled. Certain enrolling sources are more successful than others for filling particular sorts of employments. Chiefly the sources can be partitioned into two different ways. They are examined underneath: 1. 4. 1 Internal sources Many enormous associations will endeavor to build up their own workers for positions past the most minimal level. Presently some inner sources are talked about beneath: a. Occupation posting: Posting notice of employment opportunities on organization announcements sheets is a successful inner selecting strategy. It educates workers about openings amp; required capabilities amp; welcomes qualified representatives to apply.The sees typically posted on organization notice sheets or electronic announcement sheets or are set in the organization paper. Capabilities amp; different realities are drawn from the activity investigation data. The sorts of competitors may apply here in both of two different ways through (I) Self assignment and (II) Recommendation of a chief, workers who are keen on the presented opening report on the HR Department amp; apply. b. Withdrawing representatives: Departing representatives are the individuals who leave the association since they can no longer work the customary forty-hour week's worth of work, youngster care needs, instruction or others are the basic reasons.If this circumstance is happen then the business use Buyback. Buyback 33 methods when a worker leaves to take another occupations amp; the first boss outbids the new position offer. 1. 4. 2 External sources notwithstanding searching inside for applicants, it is standard for associations to open up selecting endeavors to the outside network. These endeavors are talked about underneath: a. Promotion: When an association wishes to convey to the open that it has an opportunity notice in one of the well known strategy utilized. Need advertisement portrays the activity, the advantages and advises the individuals who are intrigued how to apply. It is the most famous method.It can be put in the industrial facility door or generally scattered. Ordinarily blue shading occupations are promotion. outside the plant entryway. The higher the position, the more determined the aptitudes, or the shorter flexibly of assets in the work power, the more broadly scattered the a

Friday, August 21, 2020

Essay Samples For College Students

Essay Samples For College StudentsThe best essay samples for college students will come from experienced writers. If you want to get the most for your essay, you need to hire someone who has a good track record. The reason for this is that experience is important when it comes to essay writing. Those who are hired by companies or other institutions will know what they are doing and have been trained to present their ideas in a way that will help you gain credit for them.The best writers know how to analyze their subject matter as well as do their own research. This is because experience is important when it comes to essay writing. When you use samples that have already been written by professional writers, you will be at a disadvantage. The idea behind using these examples is to start off with something that you know very well. However, if you cannot do this without looking a little silly, then you may have to start from scratch.Those who use great samples will also make sure that th ey are based on the right kind of materials. This means that they should use textbooks or research papers that are likely to be used by students. This will give them the advantage of studying from real life examples. This will show them that they will be able to learn everything that they need to know about the topic. It will also make them appreciate the idea of having the essay help them with their coursework.Before using any examples, however, you have to make sure that they are reliable. You may find that some people have the same names or numbers, but in reality, they are not the same person. You will also want to make sure that they include all the information that you have included. This includes the right punctuation marks, paragraph breaks, and even the correct spellings of words.Some people also choose to use good essay samples for college students that have already been written by others. This is because they often come from very credible sources. This means that they wil l be able to use examples that have been proven to work and are still recognized by the school. They will also be able to use examples that have not been tried and tested by other writers before.It is important to remember that not all examples are appropriate for use by college students. You may find that some are better suited for younger students or those who are a few years older. In order to determine the best sample, you will need to look at the sample carefully.Make sure that the example you choose is specifically meant for the individual who will be using it, rather than someone who has no idea who this particular student is. The idea is to make sure that you use something that will be a good fit for the audience you are trying to reach. No one wants to waste money by hiring an example that they think will be a good one for the audience. You may also want to make sure that the example is written in an easy-to-read style.Finally, make sure that you do not use more than one ex ample per page. This is because using more than one example may confuse the reader and make it difficult to read. The essay samples for college students are supposed to make your essay as clear and straightforward as possible.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Essay about The Theme of Loneliness in Of Mice and Men by...

The Theme of Loneliness in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck This essay will describe the way loneliness is shown in Of Mice and Men. Most of the characters are lonely and the only thing that keeps them alive is their dreams. Some of the loneliest characters we come across in the novel are Candy, an old man with only one hand, Crooks, a black cripple and Curleys Wife, a woman who has no name; she is lonely even though she is married. Although they are all on the ranch together, they are lonely because of who they are and their history. Of Mice and Men is a story with many different themes and characters. George Milton and Lennie Small are friends who travel together. They both share the†¦show more content†¦They whole ranch appear to be a bit jealous of them to, because most of them only have themselves and no one else. People who appear to be very jealous are people such as Crooks, Candy, Curleys wife and maybe Slim are jealous of their relationship. Although both George and Lennie are close friends, they are still lonely because they are not very similar. Lennie is lonely in the sense that there is no one who is as simple-minded as he is, however he does not realise this, as he is too busy playing with his pup. When George and Lennie first arrive on the ranch, they are met by Candy. Candy and his dogs relationship are a bit like George and Lennies relationship. In the same way, that Candy gets comfort in his dog, Lennie seeks comfort in George. Candy has a parental role towards his dog, just as George has a parental role towards Lennie. Lennie can be compared with the dog because he listens, but does not talk; this obviously makes him good for people to talk to, and share their feelings. Both Lennie and Candys dog are shot by the same gun (Carlsons luger). This makes them very similar, and is a goof comparison. He aint no good to you Candy. An he aint no good to himself. Whynt you shoot him Candy? His suggestion is good for the other men in the bunk- house but he doesnt seem toShow MoreRelatedLoneliness as a Key Theme in ‚Äà ²of Mice and Men‚Äà ´ by John Steinbeck1002 Words   |  5 PagesI believe that the novel does have a large focus on the theme of loneliness as this feature plays a key rà ´le in the lives of every character and is a key attribute to the time in which they live. The loyalty and friendship of George and Lennie stands out in this harsh environment and I feel that it is that friendship in contrast with the rest of society in the novel that makes the book so fantastic. Steinbeck was born on February 27, 1902. During summers he would work as an itinerant worker onRead MoreOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck973 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction: I. Background A. John Steinbeck was born on February 27th, 1902 in Salinas, California. 1. Salinas River was one of the few centers for shipping, farming, and agriculture a. John Steinbeck worked as an employed laborer, digging canals and working beside men similar to characters in his novels. 2. In a discussion John Steinbeck said, I worked in the same country that the story is laid in. The characters are composites to a certain extent. Lennie was a real person. Hes in an insaneRead MoreEssay on Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men1136 Words   |  5 PagesThe Theme of Loneliness in Of Mice and Men      Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel, Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck used George and Lennies relationship and the theme of hope to point out the loneliness in the novel. The novel starts off and is set in Soledad which means lonely. At the beginning they get a job working on a farm together. Lennie is a little retarded and has great physical strength that isnt too controllable. As they work from ranch to ranch, Lennie relies on George for guidance and help. RatherRead MoreThe Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay870 Words   |  4 PagesThe Theme of Loneliness in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is set in the farmlands of Salinas Valley in California during the 1930’s. At this time there was a world wide depression caused by the Wall Street crash in America. John Steinbeck was born and brought up in Salinas California, he had lived and experienced a life of a migrant worker and that is what inspired him to write this novel (novella?). This meant he could paint a lot Read MoreOf Mice And Men Character Analysis1137 Words   |  5 PagesThe novel, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, written in 1937. Was placed in The Great Depression, in California. Of Mice and Men is a novel about two men named George and Lennie who have a dream to own a house on the land and have animals and a farm to themselves and Lennie is addicted to soft things. Lennie is all about tending rabbits in this dream they have. It is very rare for a two men to travel together in this time period. Everybodys working for themselves to get money for themselvesRead MoreOf Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck842 Words   |  4 Pagesworking. Men would go far away from their families in search of any jobs they could get, with only themselves to confide in; colleagues only filling in the void of friends and family partially. Naturally, John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men, written during this period, would reflect this fact as a major aspect of the story. Loneliness would become the sinew of Of Mice and Men, manifested in some of the story’s main characters: Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife. These allusions to loneliness are foundRead MoreThemes in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men Essay11 23 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Steinbeck, an American novelist, is well-known for his familiar themes of depression and loneliness. He uses these themes throughout a majority of his novels. These themes come from his childhood and growing up during the stock market crash. A reader can see his depiction of his childhood era. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck shows the prominent themes of loneliness, the need for relationships, and the loss of dreams in the 1930s through the novels’ character. Lennie Small, a mentally impairedRead MoreTheme Of Loneliness In Of Mice And Men998 Words   |  4 Pages In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck utilizes loneliness as an overarching theme, there is however one character that is noticeably longer than the others in Steinbecks novella. This character is Crooks, a bitter and aloof man, he used to have a family with brothers and a 10 acre chicken ranch. Now he lives the life of a stable buck isolated by his race (he is the only African American on the ranch) among other things (Steinbeck,2002). This loneliness truly characterises him and causes no end toRead MoreTheme Of Loneliness In Of Mice And Men1368 Words   |  6 PagesOf Mice, Men and Loneliness John Steinbeck is the author of the story Of Mice and Men. He grew up in the Salinas River Valley in California, where Of Mice and Men takes place. Steinbeck grew up in 1929 when the Great Depression was going on. Of Mice and Men also takes place during the Great Depression. There were many migrant workers during the Great Depression. Migrant farm workers are men who move around the country working and earning wages and then moving to the next farm. These migrantRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men1448 Words   |  6 Pagesnovella, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck discusses the idea of loneliness and how people who work at the ranch have no family and no future in lives. He indicates that all people at the ranch are lonely, but he specifically uses a few characters to highlight their state of being lonely and more miserable than the others. He emphasizes the loneliness of ranch life during the Great Depression, and shows how people are willing to try and find friendship in o rder to escape from the state of loneliness. Steinbeck

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Theory Of Egoism And Altruism - 1511 Words

In this paper I will argue that selecting only one form of egoism is not enough to explain human motives and that it takes a mix of several theories to explain it, specifically a mix of ethical egoism and altruism, with the side note that intent is not important in this situation. The mix is important, as any one theory seemingly fails to encapsulate the scope of human interactions. Pure ethical egoism, the idea that each person should only try to help themselves, makes people out to be too greedy and seemingly unwilling to help anyone at any point in their lives. Pure altruism, the idea that people should use their abilities and advantages to exclusively help others, makes people too willing to sacrifice what they have for someone else. If people were completely altruistic nothing would ever be accomplished and eventually those advantages would become erased as people stop working to better themselves. I also believe that the intent of the action is not important so the morality of the action should be directly tied to the outcome, not the thought process of the person doing the action. All of these ideas will be explained in more detail later in the paper. This paper will look at each of these three factors individually, show why they are insufficient for explaining human motives on their own and then explain how they can all work in conjunction to better explain human motives. This paper will then go on to show how someone might disagree with this thesis by providing someShow MoreRelatedAltruism: The Illusion of Self-Interest Essay1155 Words   |  5 PagesThe behavior of altruism in an individual is when it brings more costs than benefits for the benefit of another individual. Altruism comes from the Latin word Alter which means the others. This translation of alturism describes it relatively well. Another great definition of altruism can be found in a statement of Edward Osborne Wilson, an American biologist. According to Wilson, Altruism is defined in b iology, as in everyday life, as a self-destructive behavior for the benefit of other.Read MoreEthical Egoism Reflection Paper1739 Words   |  7 Pagesselflessness, psychological egoism, ethical egoism, and altruism all somehow relate towards beneficiating, but I believe that psychological egoism is the correct way to view selfishness for its positive symbiotic relationship between the person doing the action and the person receiving it. Of the three views to choose from – psychological egoism, ethical egoism, and altruism – I had the hardest time choosing between psychological egoism and ethical egoism. In my opinion, altruism is not possible, whichRead MoreEthical Egoism, Ethical Altruism, And Eudaimonia1660 Words   |  7 PagesEthical Egoism, Ethical Altruism, and Eudaimonia are terms adversely mentioned, and used interchangeably, especially in the philosophical field. From a philosophical angle, egoism can take the descriptive or the normative perspective. While taking the ethical egoism angle, the source highlights that for a particular action, it must adhere to the moral requirements to the extent that there is no depriving of the individual’s self-interests. With regards to ethical altruism, there is the tendencyRead MoreAltruism And Egoism : A Moral Code Of Conduct1417 Words   |  6 Pagespsychology, altruism and egoism are two contrasting views on morality, one holding that one sho uld value principles/actions that benefit others over oneself, the other holding that not only are we innately selfish species, but that selfishness is how one ought to act. While both theories of morality are prevalent throughout history and cultures around the world, I will be examining the two sides of egoism: physiological and ethical, and how these can be connected to altruism. These theories are essentialRead MoreEgoism And Ethical Egoism1291 Words   |  6 PagesEthics by Russ Shafer-Landau and Psychological Egoism and Hobbes by Hun Chung in order to talk about and give more insight on psychological egoism and ethical egoism. There are many things to know and learn such as what these theories are and how they are different and alike as well as other components supporting each theory. Psychological Egoism states that human actions are based on self-interest, even if the action appears to be selfless. It is a theory that all human actions are aimed at avoidingRead MoreEthical Egoism1596 Words   |  7 PagesLove Your Neighbor As Yourself: Response to Ethical Egoism PHIL-122 22 March 2013 We are often taught at an early age that when struggling to make a decision to â€Å"let our consciences be our guides†. Conscience can be defined as our adherence to moral principles, or our considerations of fairness and justice. The word â€Å"consideration† is used because every individual has their own standards for what they feel to be morally right versus what they feel to be morally wrong, however this conceptRead MoreNo Behaviour Is ‘Really’ Altruistic. Based on Theory and Research in Social Psychology, Critically Discuss This Contention.1260 Words   |  6 PagesAltruism is a subcategory of helping behaviour, and refers to an act that is motivated by the desire to benefit another rather than oneself (Batson Coke, 1981; Berkowitz, 1970, cited in Hogg Vaughan, 2005). The main issue with determining whether a helping act is truly altruistic is one of motivation; if we cannot determine whether an act stems from a desire to benefit others or some kind of ulterior motive, altruism is difficult to demonstrate (Rushton Sorrentino, 1981, cited in Hogg VaughanRead MoreBenefits Of Raising Minimum Wage1291 Words   |  6 Pagesstates and the District of Columbia pay above the minimum federal level of $7.25 per hour. The raising of the minimum wage has numerous supporters; however, there are individuals who are opposed. The analyzation of ethical theories, such as, utilitarianism, altruism, and egoism will be utilized to obtain a more significant understanding of the importance to raise the minimum wage to a livable wage. According to registered voters, most Americans are in favor of raising the minimum wage to a $15 perRead MoreEgoism By Thomas Hobbes And Immanuel Kant1660 Words   |  7 PagesEgoism can be described as the theory of solely acting towards the advancement and good of one’s own self, without any other causes for action. While egoism has been interpreted differently throughout history, the two variants of egoism conceived by Thomas Hobbes and Immanuel Kant are widely considered today to be theoretically bound and consistent. The egoism, described by Hobbes, conceives egoism as  a fully psychological motive that is within the minds of all human beings, who think only of theirRead MoreEgoism And Its Effects On Society819 Words   |  4 PagesEgoism states that humans need to do what is best for them. It claims that it is not only people’s right, but their duty to look after their own interests first. Altruism, on the other hand, is the direct opposite of this; it claim s that people ought to look after others interests ahead of theirs. One argument supporting egoism is rooted in what appears to be conceptual truths concerning intentional action. For instance, Feigin et al. (2014) argue that people’s actions are aroused by their own desires

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Expectations Of The Industrial Revolution

For thousands of years, families put their children to work in whatever labor was necessary for survival; only wealthy and powerful children were able to avoid this fate. In 19th Century England, children of lower class were to work long hours in factories, warehouses, and coal mines for low wages and little food. They also were considered by most societies to be property of their parents. Children had little protection from governments who viewed them as having little to no civil rights outside of their parents wishes, and Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations helps bring some of these conditions to light. The times of the Industrial Revolution were the root of child labor issues. Laborers were in greater demand than ever, and not enough men or women could fill their needs; children were cheaper and easier to control. At that time, the government didn t establish a minimum age, wage, or working hours. Children of all ages were forced to work up to sixteen hours a day for low wages and little food. Children were beaten if they were late to work, worked too slowly, or fell asleep at the machines. They tried to run away, but were often caught, and if they were caught then they were whipped. Long work hours for these children resulted in them having terrible health conditions. Children that worked in the coal mines had to travel through them without any light and often had to carry tons of coal while walking in water that was up to their calves. If a child was not â€Å"fortunate†Show MoreRelatedEffects Of The Columbian Exchange1121 Words   |  5 Pagesgrow faster. Shortly after the Agricultural Revolution, there was the First Industrial Revolution, it took place in Britain. Textiles were the first widely mechanized industry and soon the steam engine was invented. Thomas Newcomen came up with the first design, which was originally used to pump water out of deep mines, James Watt then redesigned the steam engine in 1769. Transportation was another big thing that came about with the Industrial Revolution, there was a time known as â€Å"the golden ageRead MoreOrganizational Theory And Management Theory Essay1268 Words   |  6 PagesOrganizational Theory and Management is the Industrial Revolution. It was the evolution to new manufacturing processes in the period from about 1760-1820 and 1840. It was a great significance to Industrial Revolution, which launched in Great Britain and Europe during the 18th century. To first have a connection with Frederick Taylor’s four principles of scientific management we must consider the background of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was itself to a change from hand and homeRead MoreThe Importance Of The Industrial Revolution865 Words   |  4 PagesAs the 19th century was starting, so was the start of the Industrial Revolution. The 1800s began with a bang as Count Alessandro Volta invented the first battery. Volta is the reason why we now measure electricity in â€Å"volts.† About ten years later Joseph Nicephore Niepce would create a machine that could produce a likeness or photograph. The first photos were taken around his house, the process took several hours to complete. A little later in the same year, the first steamed powertrain was perfectedRead MoreGreat Expectations by Charles Dickens Essay860 Words   |  4 PagesQueen Victoria was crowned. The Industrial Revolution also started in this era. Cities started to form and become heavily populated. In the novel, Great Expectations, Charles Dickens had the main character, Pip, live in two diffe rent life styles in the Victorian Era. Pip lived with both the poor and the rich population. Both life styles are very different and placing Pip in both societies helped to show that, while the wealthy people benefited from the industrial revolution, the poor people often paidRead Moreâ€Å"Social Classes Role in Bringing About Change During the Industrial Revolution1065 Words   |  5 PagesThe industrial revolution, a period of transition and innovation, inevitably brought with it changes. Life for both rich and poor was changed. The Industrial Revolution brought about the birth of two classes: The middle class and the working class. In the article â€Å"The Communist Manifesto† (1848) by Karl Marx, it states that â€Å"Marx saw the oppression of the worker by those who owned means of production.†(1) Did the Industrial Revolution benefit both, or yet cause grievance in one and be beneficialRead MoreThere are many periods in time that have been crucial in the develo pment of human ideals and1300 Words   |  6 Pagesthe world far beyond expectations. The Romantic Era was a time of innovation, social struggles, and major changes in industry and society, all due to Industrialization. One of the most important was all of the innovation that occurred. The Romantic era saw a series of economic and technological changes, originally and principally in England, which were later designated by the term â€Å"Industrial Revolution†. This term would forever hold true, as europe became the â€Å"industrial cradle† of the world.Read MoreIndustrial Revolution Essay939 Words   |  4 Pagesfrom the comfort of their own home. The changes in the work environment also lead to unjust pay scales, treatment, and expectations. The Industrial Revolution was a result of inventions that changed the work environment by introducing factories; the provided opportunities for a woman to join the workforce and in turn leading to the first labor movement. The Industrial Revolution was a result of inventions that changed the work environment. The first invention brought to America to assist with reducingRead MoreSocial Inequalities During The Industrial Revolution854 Words   |  4 PagesBentley (Factory Work, testimony), Samuel Smiles (Thrift) as well as Karl Marx and Frederick Engels (The Communist Manifesto). To what extent do these documents address social inequalities during the industrial revolution? 768/1,500 (+785) Introduction 174/150 (-24) The advent of the Industrial Revolution in Britain created a duality of Nouveau Rich Bourgeoisie and Critically Poverty Stricken Proletariat. This was created through the move of production from the community based artisan cottage industryRead MoreA Report On The Production Of The Factory s Energy1660 Words   |  7 Pagesregulations and customer expectations the energy consumption of the factory and its efficiency has to be evaluated. This baseline study provides an assessment of the factory’s energy use and sets forward several important recommendations that will ensure more efficient energy consumption. MAIN DOCUMENT XYZ is a small to medium manufacturer of vegetarian pies that employees less than 250 individuals. XYZ ‘s factory is part of several units built in the 1970s within an industrial estate. Since then thereRead MoreDickens Views on Victorian Englands Class System1084 Words   |  5 PagesGreat Expectations, a novel written by Charles Dickens during the Victorian era. This novel was set in early Victorian England at a time when great social changes were taking place. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

WHS Policies in Australian Workplaces-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the WHS policies in Australian workplaces. Answer: Project Scope The scope of the project is divided into in-scope and out-scope In-scope: In-scope of the project is as follows: Implementation and monitoring of WHS policies in Australian workplaces Managing the risk assessment as well as control in context to health and safety Protecting the health and safety of the workers within the workplace Consulting workers as well as encouraging workers participation in maintaining WHS policies Providing training in order to operate properly within the workplaces Out-scope: Out-scope of the project are as follows: Different categories of WHS policies are not elaborated among the workers Details about the documentation of WHS policies is not provided to the workers Project Controls The project of implementing and monitoring WHS policies within the Australian workplaces can be controlled by following the steps that are elaborated below: Holding meetings: The main objective of conducting meetings during project progress is to manage as well as assemble effective team that is quite capable of accomplishing the objectives as well as goals of the projects (Acebes et al. 2014). The project manager will provide proper overview about how the policies of WHS can be implemented with Australian workplaces so that health and safety of the workers within the workplace can be maintained. The main reason of holding meetings is to review the assigned roles as well as responsibilities to the project team members, providing proper executive direction for accomplishing the project and for notifying the present work status. Performing quality control: By controlling the quality of the project it is ensured that the outcome of the project meets with the expectation of the organization (Colin and Vanhoucke 2014). In order to perform quality control, the project managers needs to undertake number of tasks including creation of proper quality review, developing agenda for determining key activities, assigning reviews for performing quality control, documentation as well as recording of various actions. Track the work progress: It is identified that work progress of the project is mainly tracked in order to measure, monitor as well as control its progress. The main purpose of tracking the progress of the project is to ensure that the project is completed as well as scheduled properly. The project manager utilizes several methods in order to control the project (Colin and Vanhoucke 2015). The activities include capture of project performance, updating project schedule with proper task performance information and data, capturing the costs that are generally occurred due to non-staff costs as well as adjusting the staff of the project. Responding to changes: It is identified that implementation and monitoring of WHS policies project can be controlled in context to changes by defining as well as implementing the work into proper given stage. By properly responding, the project manager is generally able to make sure that scope, budget as well as schedule of the project is as per the assumption (Doppelt 2017). While responding to project changes, the project manager needs to receive change requests, assigning proper requests for competing team members, approving updated change requests, creating proper action plan as well as helps in monitoring progress as well as quality of the changes. Managing issues: The issues that arise due to implementation and monitoring of WHS policies must be resolved without affecting the project progress. In order to control the project, project issue management is considered important as it helps in identifying issues, assessing impact, developing resolutions as well as tracking project progress (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The project manager generally manages the issues or challenges for making sure that the project are properly carried out. In order to manage the risks that are generally associated with project, the project managers needs to identify as well as record the issues by creating proper log. It is identified that the impact of the issues must be determined as well as controlled in order to resolve the issues properly. Change management Change identification Purpose Change analysis Change request approval Change tracking Creating health and safety team Health and safety team needs to be created in every workplace of Australia, so that they work together for monitoring the health and safety of the people who are working. If the team will work together then health safety of the workers can be improved (Hornstein 2015). The viability of the change will be mainly understood by the project managers when they track the organizational health and safety condition. The change request of the project is mainly approved by the project managers Proper track on the team must be kept in order to ensure that they are working properly for improving the health and safety condition of the people in workplaces. Medical treatment Proper medical treatment must be provided to the people who face health issues due to working in the organization. This will be helpful in saving the lives of the people who are not able to afford medication (Parker et al. 2013). The viability of the change is mainly understood by the project manager The change will be approved by the project manager Proper monitoring on medical treatment must be kept in order to analyze that proper quality based treatment is provided to the workers. Development of proper training team Proper training team must be developed in order to train the workers so that they can be able to avoid accidental cases and will be able to keep themselves safe (Kerzner 2013). The project manager analyzes the viability of the change The request of change will be approved by the project manager The training team have to report to the project manager with proper documentation in order to prove that proper training facility is arranged within the workplaces of Australia for improving the health and safety condition Teaching employees about importance of WHS policies Proper seminars must be conducted in order to provide information about the significance of WHS policies so that the workers adopt and utilize them appropriately and can be able to maintain healthy as well as safety environment for working (Doppelt 2017). The viability of the change is understood by the project managers The request of change will be approved with the help of the project manager Monthly based monitoring by the supervisors must be undertaken for ensuring that the employees or workers of the organization are properly adopting the policies of WHS in order to keep themselves safe as well as healthy. Documentation and reporting Documentation According to Verzuh (2015), project documentation is generally utilized for defining the way that is utilized for managing projects as well as governance that are surrounded them. Proper documentation is quite necessary in this project as it helps in providing proper information about the WHS policies that must be adopted by the Australian workplaces in order to maintain safety and healthy work environment (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). In addition to this, documentation helps in laying the traceability, quality as well as history of the entire document for the entire project. It is identified that documentation helps in supporting project management plan, project communication as well as project audit. Reporting Project reporting are necessary in order to ensure proper monitoring as well as implementation of project. It is identified that there are number of benefits from reporting and the benefits are elaborated below: Tracking: With the help of the reports, the project manager can be able to track the status of the project which is quite necessary in order to ensure that the project is on right track and it will be completed on assumed budget and time (Larson and Gray 2013). Identification of risk: The risks that are associated with the project can be identified with the help of the reports (Kerzner 2013). Proper risk identification helps in implementing strategies that not only assists in resolving risks but also helps in avoiding obstruction of the project progress. Cost management: With the help of the reports, the project manager is able to track the cost the project and if the costs flow over the assumed budget then the project manager utilizes strategies for controlling budget and as result it will help in completing the entire project within the budget that is assumed (Fleming and Koppelman 2016). Visibility: It is identified that reporting helps in increasing visibility of the project which will be helpful in providing proper insight on the project performance. Control: Reporting helps in controlling project and it helps the project managers to see the stagnation of project progress that helps in making the decisions properly (Verzuh 2015). Project success: Reporting helps in driving the success of the project. It helps in completing the project within the estimated time and budget by maintaining its quality thus making its successful. References Acebes, F., Pajares, J., Galn, J.M. and Lpez-Paredes, A., 2014. A new approach for project control under uncertainty. Going back to the basics.International Journal of Project Management,32(3), pp.423-434. Colin, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2014. Setting tolerance limits for statistical project control using earned value management.Omega,49, pp.107-122. Colin, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2015. A comparison of the performance of various project control methods using earned value management systems.Expert Systems with Applications,42(6), pp.3159-3175. Colin, J. and Vanhoucke, M., 2015. Developing a framework for statistical process control approaches in project management.International Journal of Project Management,33(6), pp.1289-1300. Doppelt, B., 2017.Leading change toward sustainability: A change-management guide for business, government and civil society. Routledge. Fleming, Q.W. and Koppelman, J.M., 2016, December. Earned value project management. Project Management Institute. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson Hornstein, H.A., 2015. The integration of project management and organizational change management is now a necessity.International Journal of Project Management,33(2), pp.291-298. Kerzner, H., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Larson, E.W. and Gray, C., 2013.Project Management: The Managerial Process with MS Project. McGraw-Hill. Parker, D., Charlton, J., Ribeiro, A. and D. Pathak, R., 2013. Integration of project-based management and change management: Intervention methodology.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,62(5), pp.534-544. Verzuh, E., 2015.The fast forward MBA in project management. John Wiley Sons.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Ethical Dilemma

Costs and Benefits of FDI on the Host County Many developing countries embarked on a serious campaign to promote foreign direct investment in their countries following the economic surge of 1990s. Economic policy makers established that their economies could not perform any better without foreign investors in their countries.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Ethical Dilemma- The Fate of Opel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, some were of the contrary view since they believed that foreign direct investment is a source of conflicts in the economy. Foreign direct investment has a number of benefits to the economy of the host countries. For instance, it contributes in strengthening integration among states, which is a prerequisite of development. Once an economy is interested into the global economy, it would be able to enjoy expansive markets for various commodities (Strange 21). Foreign direct investmen t has the major role of boosting and engendering trade flows, even though this depends on several factors. In this case, the host country is expected to strengthen global links regarding certain enterprises to ensure smooth distribution of goods and services, efficient sales, and marketing of products. Host countries would always benefit from increased exports, which would in fact fulfill their short and medium-term objectives. For the case provided, foreign direct investment plays a critical role in boosting exports in Germany. Germany has benefited from inward investment for long meaning that foreign direct investment helps the host country in that seem to have financial constraints, even though it might be having enormous natural resources. By the time GM entered in to partnership with Opel, the economy of Germany was undergoing transition. Since the partnership was founded in late 19th century, Germany has been experiencing improved imports and exports, even though this was grea tly hampered by the Second World War when the Nazi regime took over the management of the production facility. Foreign direct investment has the capability of transferring technology from one country to the other, which is one of its main benefits. Multinational Corporations are often depended upon in offering new ways of doing things in the market. Technology circulates in four different ways, one of them being vertical transfer whereby suppliers of goods and services, as well as the buyers are introduced to new ways of interacting with foreign companies using new technologies. Local companies can as well access technology horizontally as they engage in competition or partnership with multinational corporations, such as General Motors. Opel was able to outmuscle its competitors domestically since it had strong technology.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Competitors wer e quick to assert themselves technologically in order to match the capability of Opel. This means that multinational corporations have a role to play in introducing and circulating new technologies in the host countries. In case the host countries do not have adequate labor necessary in the accomplishment of organizational goals, the multinational companies would easily bring the personal from the home country that are highly experienced and skilled. Highly trained personnel are important in an economy since they have the ability of conducting research to establish the major challenges facing the sector or the industry. Expatriates offer technical assistance and training services to government officials and other stakeholders in a particular sector or industry. This encourages economic growth and stability in the host country. Foreign direct investment has several benefits, but it has a number of disadvantages, which are extremely costly to the host country. Research shows that fore ign direct investment is only helpful in economies that have string economic policies. Some multinational corporations are accused of moving outdated equipments that are believed to be environmentally harmful to the host countries (Wolf 113). The host country will have to deal with the issue of greenhouse emission, even though the concerned company might be reluctant to support air-cleaning program. In developing countries, foreign direct investment interferes with the working standards, as well as the rights of employees. Some multinational companies are known to interfere with rights of workers in the sense that they violate the internationally established labor laws by bribing leaders of the host countries. Decisions of Foreign Companies Foreign companies will never come up with policies aiming at uplifting the living standards of the poor in the developing countries. Moreover, they cannot engage in meaningful discussions to boost the economies of the poor countries or the host c ountries. They are often regarded as the agents of their countries and are therefore expected to remit the returns to their home countries. Multinational corporations play a zero-sum game meaning that the loss of local companies is their benefit. In other words, they will never engage in discussions aiming at a win-win situation. The issue of sustainability is of great concern to many countries given the fact that greenhouse emission is on the rise and global warming is inevitable. Based on this, multinational corporations will simply support programs aiming at giving them an advantage in the market as opposed to supporting the growth of the economy. This implies that foreign investors are profit oriented and they would tend to oppose any move aiming at reducing their profitability. Even though Germany was considered an enemy during the Second World War, the US based multinational corporation, General Motors, was unwilling to cut its relations with Opel.Advertising We will writ e a custom case study sample on Ethical Dilemma- The Fate of Opel specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More From a realist perspective, the international system or the global market exists according to the Hobbestian state of nature meaning that there is no Leviathan or the government to oversee the behavior of various state and non-state actors, including multinational corporations, such as General Motors. This means that there is a vacuum that is often filled by the powerful actors, such as General Motors. The powerful actors cannot make decisions that benefit the weak actors because they fear competition. Decision of Magna Plan A Spanish official should do everything possible to convince Magna to stay in the country since multinational corporations offer competition that is often critical as far as economic growth is concerned. Due to the presence of multinational corporations, countries are forced to liberalize trade meaning that they open up their economies through allowing free movement of goods and people. Local firms are forced to improve their marketing strategies, production processes, and distribution methods to match those of the market leader. This results to efficiency and economic growth for a host country (Steger 78). The Spanish officials should therefore embark on a mission that would ensure Magna remains in the country. In fact, the taxes paid to the central government more as compared to the ones paid by local companies. Moreover, Spain should advocate for the strengthening of Magna in the country since it would encourage enterprise development. The corporate governance and managerial styles would be strengthened in case Magna continues operating in the country. Privately owned organizations are known for their efficiency. If Magna remains in Spain, it would offer a challenge to the Spanish government to privatize some of the publicly owned firms, which are often associated with huge loses. For the Ge rman officials, they should insist on strengthening Magna in Spain since the company does not face serious competition as opposed to the home country. The taxes paid in Spain are minimal as compared to the high taxation rates in Germany. Moreover, the resources utilized in the manufacturing process are readily available in Spain as opposed to Germany. If the company relocates to the home country, it would have to incur extra costs of transporting raw materials, as well as finished products. Finally, Spain has adequate labor that is relatively cheap when compared to that of Germany. The company will always be operating at a low cost while in Spain. The Decision of the General Motors Board General Motors should not attempt selling the subsidiary company, Opel, to competitors since it would lose a lot in the global market. It should hold on until the right time comes because the present status is not good for disposing the subsidiary. If General Motors sells Opel to Magna or any other German-owned firm, it will have given the competitor an advantage to outmuscle it globally.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More I will insist on bailing Opel rather than choosing to dispose it to a competitor. The European market is stable as compared to other markets in the world hence General Motors should not quit. If the company bows down to the pressure of the German populace, other citizens in different countries will follow suit meaning that the company will have lost its prestigious position as the world leading car dealer. Works Cited Steger, Manfred. Globalism: Market Ideology Meets Terrorism. Lanham: Rowman Littlefield, 2005. Print. Strange, Susan. Power Diffused State and Non-State Authority in the World Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Print. Wolf, Martin. Why Globalization Works. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2004. Print. This case study on Ethical Dilemma- The Fate of Opel was written and submitted by user Jefferson Hoover to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Round and Flat Characters in Trifles by S.Glaspells

Round and Flat Characters in Trifles by S.Glaspells Introduction Susan Glaspell, the author of the play Trifles, exhibits the behavioral nature of major and minor characters, which groups them as either round or flat characters. She constructs the play after working as a journalist researching on the murder of John Hossack hence categorizing it as a real story. In Glaspell’s play, the characters display stereotypes especially the gender and cultural stereotypes.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Round and Flat Characters in Trifles by S.Glaspells specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Wiehardt, round characters are the main characters in a piece of writing who face problems in their life that become their turning point (1). They undergo an awful experience that pressure them to change their character. On the other hand, a flat character is an unprogressive minor character in a story that remains in the same position throughout the story (Wiehardt 1). In th e play Trifles, the author strategically features two round characters like Minnie Foster and John Wright. However, the play has a good share of the flat characters like Mrs. Hale and Mr. Hale among others. In her early days, Minnie Foster is a felicitous, melodious and always in good spirits girl (Glaspell 7). All her dresses have bright colors hence making her famous among other girls. Unfortunately, after her marriage to Mr. Wright her cheerful character turns into sorrow hence only somber mood prevails in her house. One of Mrs. Wright’s neighbors, Mrs. Hale describes her character as a beautiful, fearful and cautious but all her behaviors disappear immediately after the marriage ceremony (Glaspell 5). Mr. Wright is Minnie’s husband whose character as uncouth, crude harsh turns him oppressive especially to his loyal wife. Minnie’s thirty year of marriage is void of happiness. However, one night, Mr. Wright dies when he is asleep. Surprisingly, Minnie says tha t someone strangled her husband while she is deep asleep. Unfortunately, her husband’s friend Mr. Hale discovers the death and reports to the authority. The Sheriff and attorney ignore her claims hence choose to put her in remand. After critical investigations, the law convicts her of murder because there is no trace another person as she claims. According to Wiehardt’s description of a round character, Minnie’s unchanging character categorizes her as one. Although Minnie has subservient and scheming character, her husband’s oppressive nature turns her into a murderer and outrageous woman hence kills her him after three decades of marriage. John Wright stands out as a round character dominated by chauvinism.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More John Wright chauvinistic character makes him an oppressor especially to his wedded wife. He disrespects, hates and abuses his wife all the time hence turning his wife against him. Although he is uncouth, unfriendly and selfish, his wife overpowers him killing him instantly. John Wright becomes powerless and weak loosing his ability to overpower or control his wife. The ability of Mr. Wright to change his domineering nature describes him as a round character. However, Gorge Henderson is a round character who is tough as presented by the author. The county attorney, Mr. George Henderson is among the flat characters as described by Wiehardt. He is one of the law enforcers carrying out the murder case of Mr. Wright. He bases on his professional qualifications and experience to carry out the investigation. He is tough, serious and dismisses opinion from other people. Ironically, as a crime expert, he does not concentrate on Mrs. Wright’s Kitchen, which is woman place. However, he focuses in the bedroom and the barn where her husband spends most of his time. As a law enforcer, he con victs Mrs. Wright to prison yet he has inadequate evidence. Additionally, he is unable to unfold one of the main evidence, a box, which describes Mrs. Wright as a murderer. The inability of the attorney to consider and be keen to other people especially women puts him under a flat character. The other law enforcer at the crime scene is the Sheriff, Henry Peters. He backs up the attorney during the investigation. Likewise, he overlooks the areas in the house like the kitchen, which could nail Mrs. Wright down. Additionally, he has a contempt character hence kicks a basket belonging to Mrs. Wright yet it might the source of evidence. Peters has a non-dynamic, unchanging character categorizing him as a flat character. Mrs. Hale stands out as an ignorant but obedient flat character as the play unveils. Mrs. Hale is the wife to Mr. Hale. Additionally, she is a neighbor to the Wrights but due to frequent fights in the home, she abandons the family. However, she turns up when a calamity hi ts the family, the death Mr. Wright. Although the sheriff and the attorney disapprove her contribution to the murder case, she loiters around the crime scene hence discovering a box that contains evidence against Mrs. Wright. As a woman, she decides to ignore the law officers and hides the box. She displays her submissive and quietness as the society expects from her. Mrs. Hale’s character as obedient and submissive describes her as a flat character, she is not ready to break the law, therefore, secretly keeps the box with evidence.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Round and Flat Characters in Trifles by S.Glaspells specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lewis Hale is a farmer, neighbor and a friend to the Wrights family (Wade 2). When he comes to visit his neighbors, he discovers the death of Mr. Wright from the wife. He decides to report the murder case to the police station. During the investigation, he follows t he Sheriff and attorney because he is determined to unravel the truth. However, his presence at the crime scene does not change situation. Mr. Hale character as a good neighbor, friendly and loyal to his character is non-dynamic even after he discovers a crime. The issue of stereotypes assumes a good share in the play through the way the author strategically allocates the different roles to her different characters who in turn successfully depicts the stereotypes ranging from gender to cultural. The characters in the play display a high level of stereotype. There is both cultural and gender stereotyping. The men oppress women in the society, a situation women are unable to change. The play describes the kitchen as the woman’s place and not bedroom or barn. Due to discrimination, Mrs. Hale decides to protect Mrs. Wright as a fellow woman hence keeps away the evidence that she is a murderer. In summary, there are two types of character in the play; round and flat characters. Mr . and Mrs. Wright are the round characters because of their dynamic nature. The rest of the characters fall under flat characters because their situation and behavior is stagnant in the play. Finally, stereotyping is an issue that the author fully exhibits in the play. The women are submissive standing out as ones who face oppression from the society, a role they willingly accept. Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. England: Oxford UP, 1916. Print. Wade, Bradford. Trifles by Susan Glaspell Plot and Character Analysis, 2009. Web. Wiehardt, Ginny. ‘Flat character’ About .com. Need. Know. Accomplish. New York: Winnipeg, 2011. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Wiehardt, Ginny. ‘Round character’ About .com. Need. Know. Accomplish, 2011. Web. Apr. 11 2011.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Environmental Scanning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Environmental Scanning - Essay Example Of all efforts, which are aimed at improving processes in an organisation, it is the alignment of the organisation with its environment that is the single most important to an organisation's success. Therefore, in an effort to align an organisation with its environment, it is very important that an organisation carries out environmental scanning and scenario planning. According to (Saxby, Parker, Nitse, & Dishman, 2002) environmental scanning is quite an involving process, which requires strategic planning, and the involvement of heavy resources to execute. Environmental scanning for any given business involves acquiring and using information surrounding key organizational events, market trends and other important trends as well as external relationships between an organisation and its partners, shareholders, as well as the customers (Aguillar, 1967). Environmental scanning is important in that the knowledge an organisation acquires from carrying out the process enables the organisation to carry out strategic planning especially in regard to how the organisation should respond to future challenges, respond to competitor activity as well as respond to the market environment. This is very important to any organisation considering that for an organisation long term planning is as important as the short term planning. Therefore failing to carry out a thorough environmental scanning is likely to result into loss of business for the company or in some cases losing out on market shares. Environmental scanning is important in that it positions the organisation to foresee future threats; an environmental scanning helps the organisation to identify future opportunities occasioned by political, economical as well as social factors. Unless the organisation is able to identify what the future holds for the company, it is very unlikely that such an organisation would continue satisfying its customers. Lack of proper environmental scanning results into loss of market share something, which can adversely affect organizational expansion and extension plans. Therefore environmental scanning should be carried in such a way so as to enable an organisation to face the future with certainty as well as plan the possible scenarios and course of action incase things do not work according to plan. Environmental scanning involves several steps, which include undirected viewing, conditioned viewing, enacting as well as searching (Kohn, 2005). Environment requires the correct analysis of the industry, which the organisation belongs to. Therefore viewing involves actual observation of the organisation activities, noting any difficult or challenging situations, which seem detrimental to the organizational success. Viewing enables an organisation to take note of environmental factors or issues, which require be looking at and resolved. Viewing is the right step, which results, into identification of environmental issues, which are a threat to the organisation, or on the other hand, viewing generates information or insight into opportunities in the market which if further analysed can present the organisation with greater avenues for growth. Undirected viewing according to (Aguillar, 1967) involves a situation whereby an organisation fails to invest the necessary

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Step Motor Driver For Full Step, Half Step Excitation Mode Lab Report

Step Motor Driver For Full Step, Half Step Excitation Mode - Lab Report Example For a bipolar motor, an external device referred to as an H-Bridge can be used to reverse the polarity of the winding and thus the flux. An H-Bridge can also drive a unipolar motor by not connecting the center tap (common) lead or use only one of the windings in the pair. Using the given state machine states and truth tables, the driver circuits for all the three modes of stepper motor excitation were designed and simulated. The following are the diagrams showing the truth table and state machine states with actual motor motion in this design, the no load or constant load accuracy of a 7.5 degree/step motor is within 0.5% noncumulative. It simply implies that the positioning error is the same whether the rotational movement is one step or 1000 steps. Since the step error is noncumulative, it averages itself out to zero within a 4-step sequence, which corresponds to 360 electrical degrees. This causes the transistor collector/emitter junction to conduct. When transistors Q1 and Q3 on, the current flows through the motor coil in the forward or + direction. However, when Q2 and Q4 on, the current to flows through the motor coil in the reverse direction. In the experiment, only half step truth table was presented. However, if you compare the half step and full step tables, it's noticed that all of the full step sequences appear in the half step table, even though not in the same order. This information was useful in the circuit design, especially when writing the codes for the microcontroller.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Effective Communication in the Workplace

Effective Communication in the Workplace Communication is an important aspect of any work place. It can consist of verbal and nonverbal messages. Effective communication, especially in the field of computer technology, is essential to work place productivity. Communication is considered to be effective when both parties involved have the same understanding of the message being sent. Effective Communication doesn’t have to be a long, drawn out affair or an elaborate meeting. It can be short and simple; precise and to the point. It can be a manager walking down sending a short email to one of his assistants to request an update on the necessary protocols for a new system. Another example of effective communication could be a coworker reminding another coworker of a mandatory section meeting at 2:00 P.M. later the same afternoon. Neither of these exchanges took a long time, but they are direct and to the point. This is what makes for effective communication. (McIntosh, 2008) Verbal messages are one form of communication. Verbal messages consist of words spoken between two or more people. They can take place face to face or via the telephone or other electronic medium like video conferencing. Interpersonal communication makes up the majority of your every-day communication. This includes conversations with your family, friends, and coworkers. (Wood, 2014) One thing to remain aware of in your verbal messages is the clarity and ambiguity. A lot of problems in communication stem from simple misunderstandings. To avoid this, we must make a conscious effort to refrain from using ambiguous language in our conversations. Focusing on clarity and ambiguity reminds me of a time when I was in the military. In 1979, I was stationed in a remote location in Greece. I often worked with Greek personnel to accomplish daily jobs. During this time, I became very familiar with the saying â€Å"always tomorrow.† I found out early during my stay in Greece that the Greek work for tomorrow is pronounced, â€Å"av-iee-o†. When requests were made of our Greek counterparts, their answer would always be â€Å"av-iee-o†, meaning tomorrow. When the next day came, the work was expected to be completed. When the work was not received, a follow up would be made and the answer again was simply, tomorrow. I later found out that when requests were made, a specific time and date needed to be stipulated because â€Å"tomorrow† from my Greek counterparts equated to whenever they were finished. I truly found out the meaning of â€Å"always tomorrow† the hard way. After learning this, every request was given with an absolute time and date for expected completion. This scenario is not subject to just my experiences in the military. Misunderstandings like this can be avoided by utilizing as much clarity in your communication as possible. Other issues with clarity can stem from using slang and jargon. Using slang can be a slippery slope. While it may be perfectly fine for use with your friends and family in a less formal setting, it can leave your bosses and clientele with a negative impression of your competence. It can also be confusing if not everyone understands your slang. Jargon, on the other hand is more technical is sort of short-hand and can be quite useful on the job. Like slang, however, it can be confusing to people outside of your company or industry. So, it is not advisable to use jargon too much in formal communications, especially communications with clients or people from other industries. Keeping your communication clear, but concise can help avoid giving ambiguous statements that leads to confusion and misunderstandings. (Flood, 2008) Words can be an effective tool in moving people’s emotions. They can be used to motivate individuals to work harder. Conversely, they can evoke feelings of anger and provoke a defensive stance from the recipient. For this reason, another characteristic of verbal messages to avoid is using inflammatory language. â€Å"Inflammatory language is one of the most common causes of conflict escalation.† (Askin, 2003) The fact that words can evoke such negative feelings is enough of a reason to try to avoid the use of inflammatory language. It is obvious you should avoid words that promote negative feelings of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and more. Trigger words are so inflammatory that they can instantly invoke a severe emotional response. It is important to realize how inflammatory they can be. What might seem to be simple and innocent to you could in fact be a trigger word to someone else. You should first accept that you have trigger words of your own and learn to be aware of them. Then you can start to be more aware of the fact that others will have a reaction to what you say, be it negative or positive. What you say is not the only thing that matters in communication. You must also be aware of how you say it. Nonverbal communication includes the tone you use, your facial expressions, gestures, body language and more to help convey your messages and give them a deeper meaning. (Wood, 2014) It is all the ways you express yourself without actually using words. Nonverbal messages are extremely important, especially in work place communication. The way you say the words you use to communicate, your body language and gestures, even your posture can all contradict what you are actually saying. Some research has shown that people tend to believe the nonverbal cues displayed when someone’s verbal and nonverbal communication are not in sync. Friedrich Nietzsche once stated, â€Å"All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.† (Smith, 2013) This can be applied to the importance of nonverbal communication. The overall morale of an office can have a great impact on its productivity. Nonverbal messages can have a significant impact on the morale. For instance, an employee gives a presentation to their manager. Throughout the presentation, the employee sees the manager yawning and fidgeting a lot. One thing this employee might think is that the manager is not interested in the presentation at all. This can cause the employee to lose some of their â€Å"zeal† for working there and lower their morale. With lowered morale, the employee’s production begins to slip over time. (Ray, n.d.) One of the â€Å"problems† with nonverbal behavior is that it can be somewhat ambiguous. It is easy to interpret someone’s body language the wrong way. For instance, in the example above, the employee could have mistaken the manager’s yawning as showing their lack of interest in the topic. However, the yawning could just as easily been caused by a lack of sleep the night before. The constant fidgeting could have been due to drinking too much coffee before the meeting to compensate for a lack of sleep. (Adler, 2014) Even though nonverbal communication can be easily misinterpreted, it is still important to be careful of the images you convey. Even though what you say through verbal communication is still very important, how you say it can determine how much your audience retains. Dustin York is an assistant professor at Maryville University. He conducted an experiment to determine how much of a factor nonverbal communication really played in the retention of information from presentations. During his experiment, he used 4 university classes totaling 80 students. Each of the classes had a guest lecturer giving the exact lecture. The wording and information was all the same, but each guess was instructed to vary their nonverbal cues throughout the lecture. Two lectures were instructed to use effective nonverbal communication in the presentations, while the other two were instructed to use poor nonverbal communication. The students were all given the exact same test after the lectures. York found that the students attending the lectures with effective nonverbal communication scored approximately 30% higher than students of the other lectures. (York, 2013) Effective communication requires both verbal and nonverbal communication to work together. It has been determined that nonverbal communication works with verbal communication to either reiterate the message, contradict the message, emphasize the message, or complement the message. You should be careful not to use nonverbal cues to contradict the message too much or you can appear to be untrustworthy. (Wood, 2014) Effective communication is a vital key to any successful workplace. In the computer technology field, coworkers rely on each other to relay accurate information. In dealing with clients, it is important to be able to communicate with them effectively. You must remember to speak clear and concise messages. This will allow you to improve your clarity and reduce any ambiguities. You must also be careful of what you say. Stay away from slang, jargon and inflammatory words, especially trigger words so that your audience can remain receptive to your message. Just as important, if not more, be cognizant of the nonverbal messages that you send. While your verbal messages are important, you must always be aware of the effect that your nonverbal cues add to them. Combining the effective use of both verbal and nonverbal communication can lead to increased productivity in the workplace. References: McIntosh, Perry, et al. Interpersonal Communication Skills In The Workplace. [New York?]: American Management Association, 2008. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 11 July 2014. Akin, Jennifer. Escalation-Limiting Language. . Beyond Intractability, 1 Sept. 2003. Web. 10 July 2014.>. Wood, Layne. Verbal Versus Nonverbal Communciation. . Live Strong, 12 Jan. 2014. Web. 10 July 2014.>. Ray, Linda. Nonverbal Behavior in the Work Place. . Demand Media, n.d. Web. 9 July 2014.>. Smith, Jacquelyn. 10 Nonverbal Cues That Convey Confidence At Work. . Forbes, 11 Mar. 2013. Web. 9 July 2014.>. York, Dustin. 5 Keys to Great Nonverbal Communication. . Ragans PR Daily, 31 Dec. 2013. Web. 11 July 2014. Flood, Timothy E.. MBA fundamentals: business writing. New York: Kaplan Pub., 2008. Adler, Ronald B. Communicating at Work 11th Edition. : McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Macbeth is a Victim in Shakespeares Macbeth :: essays research papers

Victims are the unfortunate people who suffer from disadvantageous circumstances in their lives. They can also be perceived as those who are sacrificed, supposedly for the greater good of others, in an effort to restore the natural order of the world. This is what has become of the character Macbeth in William Shakespeare's Macbeth. Macbeth has become a victim of the women he encounters, such as his wife Lady Macbeth, and the witches who seek him out to use for their fiendish purposes. The Thanes Lennox, Ross and Angus forsake and desert him in his time of need, leaving him victim to the English army and the Scotsmen who have betrayed him. Macbeth's most trusted friend Banquo shows signs that he will deceive the new King of Scotland, leaving him with who to trust? Not even chance will soothe Macbeth's victimization as it too leads him through Hell and back before he meets his ultimate demise. Most of all, Macbeth is a victim to himself as his brutality and single-mindedness incite hi m to the utter destruction of the MacDuff family. Macbeth's deception leaves him in a state of vulnerability and alienation caused by almost everyone he comes into contact with. Women throughout history have plagued men in an attempt to gain pleasure and power for their own nefarious schemes. The idea of women being deceivers is first brought about in the first book of the Catholic Bible in the story of Adam and Eve: She took the fruit there of and she did eat it, and she gave it to her husband.?(Genesis 3.6) Even from the beginning of time, according to the Bible, men have been beguiled by woman kind?s clever traps which lead men to make careless decisions. If it were not for the women Macbeth comes into +contact with, he would have never been able to formulate a plot to kill Duncan which is the exact incident that sets his life into chaos in the first place. The witches, upon plotting to attack a sailor say that he ?shall sleep neither night nor day / Hang upon his penthouse lid / He shall live a man forbid.? (I.iii.18-20) Although they are not talking about Macbeth directly, the witches? prophecy causes Macbeth to kill Duncan at which point he hears a voice say Macbeth shall sleep no more. This line foreshadows the witches? malicious intents for Macbeth and how they plan on torturing his subconscious mind in the future.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

All-in-One Computer Security Systems

All-in-one Computer Security Systems CIS/105 Some of the different programs that I choose to use as all-in-one security that has total protection are Norton Internet Security and McAfee has an exclusive active protection technology that analyzes and blocks threats in milliseconds. McAfee can immediately detect and remove viruses, even root kits, adware, spyware, and blocks. McAfee has a two-way firewall which blocks outsiders from hacking into your PC. The program also contains other features including ways to better the health of your PC.Norton Internet Security plus 360 versions 4. 0 warns you of dangerous downloads before you install and run them on your computer. Norton Internet Security has an extra layer of protection that detects viruses, spyware, Trojans and other threats. In addition Norton 360 4. 0 identifies applications that are impacting the performance of your PC. Using an all-in-one computer security protects your CPU from hijackers, identity theft, spyware, and virus. In addition using a security all in one center generally protects the user computer on its own.This keeps your system and all your information safe from others. There are some security programs which protect as well such as Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Spam, Anti-Root kit, Identity Protection, Link Scanner Active Surf, Link Scanner Search, Web Protection & Firewall, and Sophisticated threat detection. Using an all-in-one security system is effective because the programs are not conflicting with each other; instead they all work together within one system. An all-in-one security system will use less running memory than several security systems running parallel to each other.All-in-one security system is effective in many elements such physically secured security appliance, content discrimination, quick recovery from failure, highly configurable logging and notification, simplicity, high uptime, economy secure connections, well-conceived security system policies, scalability, distr ibuted architecture, of IP addresses, secure remote management and communication, authentication, virtual private networking, and summarize and report network activity. What the all in one computer security systems protect against is with spyware, virus, identity theft, and hijackers.The all in one computer security systems block the threats from getting onto your computer as long as it is running at all times. References McAfee. McAfee Total Protection 2010. Retrieved from. http://download. mcafee. com/products/manuals/en-us/mtp_datasheet_2010. pdf Norton by Symantec. Top-ranked Protection. Norton 360â„ ¢ Version 6. 0. Retrieved from. http://us. norton. com/360 Internet Security Handbook. What Makes a Good Network Security System and effective security system. Retrieved from. http://www. watchguard. com/help/lss/41/handbook/need_fo3. htm

Friday, January 3, 2020

Is Arizona General Hospital - 1361 Words

Arizona General Hospital is examining ways to deliver and expand quality healthcare to as many of our clientele as possible in the rural community. I would like to propose an organized community health fair that will offer various practical benefits for the public as well as our facility. We can utilize our highly trained and motivated professional team along with community collaboration to resourcefully contribute to the needs of the community. A health fair will enable Arizona General Hospital to extend our services through health education, disease prevention, and diagnostic screening, which in the long run is a cost effective intervention. An attractively planned community event will create a purpose for the scattered community to unite and be well-informed. Examination of barriers to healthcare can be addressed and Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) benefits can be reviewed to encourage full use of the indemnity. The health fair will target children and a dults to accommodate the entire community. Giveaways, incentives, and items with our advertisement and contact information could be handed out so that everyone walks away with something special and useful for future reference. A prosperous health fair requires the essential components of planning, health education and screening objectives, and executing an evaluation. I will review each element with supported research on the benefits of creating a community health fair to enhance optimalShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer Community Resources Essay887 Words   |  4 Pagesanalysis breast cancer statistics, available resources, and support groups in Arizona, more specifically Maricopa County. In Arizona, breast cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer and is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths among women. 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